Drostanolone Enanthate(MASTERON) 200mg/ml 10amps, ZPHC Expand

Drostanolone Enanthate (Masteron Long) 200mg/ml 10amps, ZPHC


Drostanolone Enanthate (Masteron Long) 200mg/ml 10amps, ZPHC


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Masteron Enanthate, which should be more properly known as Drostanolone Enanthate, is a long estered variant of Drostanolone. Drostanolone was originally marketed on the prescription drug market under the brand name Masteron, which was Drostanolone Propionate (a short estered variant of Drostalonone. The trade name of Masteron caught on very quickly across bodybuilding circles, and the two should really be referred to as “Drostanolone Propionate” and “Drostanolone Enanthate” due to the fact that the brand name Masteron is really a descriptor for Drostanolone Propionate, and only Drostanolone Propionate. However, the Masteron trade name has stuck permanently onto the lips of bodybuilders and athletes everywhere, and so the Enanthate variant of Drostanolone is now referred to all the time as Masteron Enanthate. Chemically, the difference between Masteron Propionate and Masteron Enanthate is very much the exact same as the difference between Testosterone Propionate and Testosterone Enanthate. The base hormone, which in this case is Drostanolone, is affixed with an Enanthate ester on its 17-beta hydroxyl group.

The origins of Masteron Enanthate are not very clear at all. It is completely clear, however, that this is not and never ever was a pharmaceutical human grade product at all. Unlike similar products such as Trenbolone Enanthate that can be traced back to its first manufacture under specific underground labs (British Dragon), Masteron Enanthate has a far more shrouded history. It is currently unknown which underground labs, if any, originally introduced this product into the black market. There is some rumor that an underground lab by the name of Dpharm originally brought it into the market, but there is very little factual evidence to support these small rumors. Furthermore, it is not even entirely known when Masteron Enanthate hit the black market, though it was most likely during the early 2000s. This might make logical sense, considering the early 2000s was a period where a handful of underground laboratories (UGLs) were attempting to make headway into developing anabolic steroids that are beyond the scope of pharmaceutical application. Obviously the very first Masteron product (Masteron Propionate) entered the bodybuilding and athletic world by way of trickle-down from the pharmaceutical environment, but Masteron Enanthate seems to be a derivative resultant of the black market and underground world.


Masteron Enanthate is not even commonly listed in many anabolic steroid reference books either, demonstrating just how rare and infrequent the status and history is of this drug. Being that it never ever was even developed or tested in the pharmaceutical drug world, there is literally zero clinical data, nor any mention in any scientific literature of this drug to go by. Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate) was developed in 1959 by Syntex[1] and immediately upon release to the prescription market it was used almost exclusively for the treatment of female breast cancer patients. It eventually hit the bodybuilding and athlete steroid-using circles towards the 1970s – 1980s, and consequently during the 1980s all forms of Masteron were eventually pulled from the prescription market and discontinued. Masteron Propionate today is no longer manufactured as a pharmcaceutical grade product, and Masteron Enanthate was never even on the list of medicines produced by any pharmaceutical firms, ever. Masteron Propionate gained significant popularity towards the 1980s and 1990s and onwards, which is perhaps why eventually towards the early 2000s Masteron Enanthate came to fruition. Ultimately the same thing occurred with many similar anabolic steroids that started off as short-estered compounds and later were offered as long estered compounds of underground origin (such as Trenbolone).

To this day, however, the Propionate variant of Masteron remains the most commonly utilized and most popular variant, though the numbers of anabolic steroid users who now use Masteron Enanthate have increased substantially since the entrance of this product in the early 2000s on the black market.

What Is Masteron Enanthate and Why Is It So Popular?

Let us start with the basics of the Drostanolone molecule itself. Drostanolone is a Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative, meaning it is a modified form of DHT itself. There are many anabolic steroids within the family of DHT derivatives, some of which are very well known and very popular. DHT derivatives include: Anavar (Oxandrolone), Winstrol (Stanozolol), Primobolan (Methenolone), and various others. There is a good reason as to why DHT derivatives are very popular, very useful, and very effective compounds. Before expanding upon that, returning to Masteron (Drostanolone), Drostanolone differs from its parent hormone DHT by way of the addition of a 2-methyl group to its chemical structure. This makes Masteron significantly stronger in terms of anabolic effects compared to its parent hormone. However, although its anabolic properties are significantly greater when compared to its parent hormone, the anabolic properties when compared to most other anabolic steroids are modest at best. Because of this, Masteron is normally utilized as a fat loss, cutting, and most commonly, a pre-contest agent for the competitive bodybuilder. Masteron also has its place with athletes in the department of speed sports due to its ability to increase lean mass without any water retention, and in fact reduces water weight.

Which brings us to the next important property of Masteron: it has demonstrated capabilities of as a moderate aromatase inhibitor, as well as possibly acting to block Estrogen at receptor sites on breast tissue[2] [3]. This does make perfect sense when we see how the Propionate variant of Masteron was utilized exclusively within medicine to treat Estrogen-dependent breast cancer in females. Through its activity as an aromatase inhibitor, it can indeed cause a reduction in water through anti-estrogenic action. This is indeed the reason as to why at very low bodyfat percentages, bodybuilders experience a ‘chiseling’ and 3D ‘ripped’ look to the physique that is almost unique with Masteron. Finally, in addition to the chemical modifications, Masteron Enanthate has been affixed with the Enanthate ester on its 17-beta hydroxyl group, which serves to extend the half-life of the drug to about 7 – 10 days in the body. This is in contrast with Masteron Propionate, which is affixed with the Propionate ester and extends its half-life to that of a shorter duration: 4.5 days.

The reason as to why DHT-derivatives are so popular and useful in the world of bodybuilding and athletics is due to the fact that they are incapable of conversion (aromatization) into Estrogen. DHT is not recognized as a proper substrate for the aromatase enzyme in the body, and therefore any hormone that is derived from DHT will assume these same qualities. The only strange exception to this rule would be Anadrol-50 (Oxymetholone), which expresses heavy estrogenic effects, but still does not actually aromatize. On the other hand, no estrogenic effects what so ever should be experienced with the use of Masteron Enanthate at any dosage used at all. The same goes for any other compounds that are in the DHT-derivative family (with the exception of Anadrol, of course).

How Does Masteron Enanthate Work and How Is It Best Used?

Masteron Enanthate is a long estered (and therefore, long acting) variant of Masteron, and is therefore best utilized in the context of longer cycle lengths (upwards of 10 – 12 weeks or longer). It is best used in cutting cycles, and even better for pre-contest cycles for competitive bodybuilders. Those who are looking for any significant strength gains or to bulk up on Masteron Enanthate will be greatly disappointed, as this is one anabolic steroid that is not deemed as very impressive in the area of anabolic strength, and in some cases might be weaker in strength than Testosterone. Masteron’s anabolic rating is that of 63 – 130. Testosterone’s anabolic rating by comparison is 100. We can see here that Masteron is at worst, about 30% weaker than Testosterone’s anabolic capabilities, and at best it is 30% stronger than Testosterone in this regard (where receptor binding affinity is concerned). So, while one could definitely experience satisfying results from Masteron Enanthate, it would by no means elicit an impressive or anywhere near dramatic response in an individual. Furthermore, Masteron Enanthate is best utilized in conjunction with other anabolic steroids. It’s solitary use alone might yield disappointment for the user, especially if the individual is not a bare beginner or first-time anabolic steroid user.

Masteron Enanthate dosage requirements do not need to be that high, but it is recommended to begin (and normally maintain) around 400mg weekly. Ultimately, it is dependent almost completely on what the individual wishes to gain from the cycle and the compound itself. Beginner Masteron Enanthate dosage normally begins at the aforementioned 400mg/week zone, though many bodybuilders who utilize it only for its anti-estrogenic or pre-contest effects could easily utilize 200mg/week on top of other compounds. If the individual’s bodyfat percentage is low enough in this case, there should be significant aesthetic benefits to the physique even in the dosage range of 200mg/week. Intermediate and advanced Masteron Enanthate doses as high as 600mg/week or higher (800mg/week or more) can be used, but are almost entirely unnecessary. Those who wish to gain significant amounts of strength and size from Masteron Enanthate would have to venture that high, but considering the expensive nature of this compound and its capabilities, it would be a waste to use Masteron Enanthate for a purpose such as mass and strength gaining. Furthermore, the capabilities of Masteron is understood by nearly all bodybuilders to be an aesthetic enhancement one – not a significant performance enhancement one, and certainly not a significant size and strength gaining one either.

Stacking other anabolic steroids with Masteron Enanthate normally entail the use of other similar compounds, often tailored and geared towards the same goals and purposes. As a general rule of course, Testosterone should be utilized alongside any anabolic steroid. Naturally, the best choice to be utilized with Masteron Enanthate would be Testosterone Enanthate for obvious reasons. For those unaware of why, the combination of two Enanthate-based anabolic steroids merely make administration and timing of injections far more convenient and much easier. Following this, if any individuals wish to throw a third compound into the stack, there are some great choices to be made. A third compound could be an oral anabolic steroid, such as Winstrol or Anavar – both well suited towards the same type of goals that Masteron is as well. Alternatively, the use of a third injectable might be preferential for those especially serious or competitive. The best and most effective choice to run alongside Testosterone Enanthate and Masteron Enanthate would be Trenbolone Enanthate. This ‘Enanthate trio’ of Testosterone/Drostanolone/Trenbolone is regarded by many as the pinnacle cycle of competitive bodybuilders and pre-contest cycles. Obviously, all Enanthate variants are selected due to their great compatibility, and the intense anabolic effects of Trenbolone contribute exquisitely to the aesthetic enhancing effects of Masteron on the physique. Furthermore, neither Trenbolone nor Masteron aromatize into Estrogen at any dosage used. This, alongside the physique altering effects of Trenbolone and Masteron, allow the individual to effectively transform their physique within record time and beyond anything that can be imagined, which is why it is commonly utilized as a pre-contest cycle.

Masteron Enanthate is very rarely used in bulking or strength cycle stacks, and if done so, is normally used for its anti-estrogenic aromatase inhibiting properties. Even with such advantageous properties, many would conclude that such a use for Masteron is a waste of money, as much stronger anti-aromatase capability can be obtained for much cheaper by purchasing and using any of the commonly used aromatase inhibitor ancillary drugs.

Masteron Enanthate Side Effects

Masteron Enanthate is known for having quite a positive safety and tolerance record, although with it being an anabolic steroid by nature, there are some Masteron Enanthate side effects to be aware of and watch out for.

First and foremost, it is important to mention that there is no risk what so ever of any Estrogen related side effects from Masteron Enanthate alone. As mentioned previously, Masteron Enanthate not only avoids aromatization into Estrogen completely, but it even acts as an anti-Estrogen in many cases. Therefore, the typical estrogenic side effects that result from the use of aromatizable anabolic steroids is avoided. This includes: bloating, water retention, blood pressure increases (as a result of water retention), acne, and gynecomastia. Because of Masteron’s anti-estrogenic properties, it can actually help prevent or mitigate these side effects if they are occurring from other anabolic steroids that do aromatize.

Androgenic Masteron Enanthate side effects are a concern, and might be more so with Masteron than other anabolic steroids. Being a DHT-derivative, Masteron has the capability of being somewhat on the more androgenic side, and those who are sensitive to androgenic side effects should bear this in mind. Androgenic side effects include: increased oily skin, acne, increased aggression/irritability, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and male pattern baldness if the genetic predisposition for it exists in the individual. An important note here is that 5-alpha reductase inhibitors such as Proscar, FInasteride, Dutasteride, or Propecia will do absolutely nothing to prevent the androgenic Masteron Enanthate side effects from occurring due to the fact that Masteron Enanthate does not undergo reduction into a more androgenic form in the body.


Being an anabolic steroid, Masteron Enanthate will suppress and possibly shut down the HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis) through the negative feedback loop. This results in diminished or completely halted endogenous natural Testosterone production in the individual, and can persist even after the cycle is halted. If left untreated, it can leave the individual with a condition known as hypogonadism, whereby Testosterone production is impaired indefinitely. Performing a proper PCT program can increase the chances that this does not develop and that upon cessation of the cycle, the HPTA returns to normal functioning once again.

Negative cardiovascular issues are indeed a part of Masteron Enanthate side effects, and might be an even greater concern with Masteron Enanthate considering its anti-estrogenic properties. In particular, this impacts the levels of HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol, favoring a higher level of LDL compared to HDL cholesterol, which increases the risk for developing cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, the reduction of Estrogen levels have also been found to impact the reduction of HDL and increase of LDL even more, and so users should be careful when utilizing Masteron so as to ensure their Estrogen levels are not reduced too significantly so as to result in greatly altered HDL:LDL ratios. Supplementation with proper cardiovascular support is highly recommended as well.

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