Nandro-Plex 300 (Nandrolone mix) 300mg/1ml 10 amps Magnum Expand

Nandro-Plex 300 (Nandrolone mix) 300mg/1ml 10 amps Magnum

Magnum Pharmaceuticals Magnum Pharmaceuticals

Nandro-Plex 300 (Nandrolone mix) 300mg/1ml 10 amps Magnum


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Volume discounts

Quantity discount - Limited offer!

QuantityPrice per item:DiscountYou SaveTotal:
3 $80.00 $5.00 Up to $15.00 $240.00
7 $75.00 $10.00 Up to $70.00 $525.00
10 $70.00 $15.00 Up to $150.00 $700.00


Nandro-Plex300  300mg/1ml 10amps Magnum Pharmaceuticals


Each ml contains:
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100 mg  
Nandrolone Decanoate BP 200 mg 

Nandro-Plex300 is an injectable anabolic preparation containing both short-acting and long-acting nandrolone esters.
The short-acting Nandrolone Phenylpropionate ester provides a rapid increase in serum nandrolone levels followed by the long-acting Nandrolone Decanoate ester with duration of action of 5 to 8 days. Nandro 300 accelerates muscle growth & strength and increases red blood cell production.

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